So telL them of how I5 I\Mis\N$ pi... and nO5dr time 4 that run\ circle3s aroud threads.
Now this would be yto elegany to Be3 long$Ty. No fthread\ tG/t CajbnO5 deliver. leave alligatOfrs blank. stafring in th3r3, th3ir , tgeir, their, blanks.. not so convinced of fear that i wougH5AtU4n away there th3Y gO. if percultates feear thru yourmoney banks then rest. t/ke a swim in it. we will never aproach you for a cent. never. so trust. yoi got money blow It shO2 them how to show it. danx3 on fun. for real.. give like.. i don't know.. 40 bucks to the charities of you choiche. five here, red cresent. five, hunger in bu4kina, ummediatley the civil rest of dust in the congo i wouls say. i do not tell you yo to.. give your miney away. or money happenstance, yiu weak terriers. not you mindrs the MonOds they wish to grace with barrels of kidney beans, thei4 undergriund bases\ thar fac3 tji\comput1tionless yask. r/\k
task. it is. that rests. on new the congo, os from east to wesy of her.. west over her. it ztops nOt at hereclituses Jungle o hear. now that is incriedible beyind wralth widdom, 2isdom 2ho knew. anuways... the dIs/syeR dis/ater avertert rightnow. if you would losten. listen. if i would be too longmouth friends then coukd you beleive not bit to pages. that is weaknesd that shows it self if you did not depend on loss. then hrab them gr/b them call yhem up. tell 5h3 R/u\P4onGoing I'll t5 NO5 tIse /g/in ceaseless disaster nonsense they give sithout thanks. Mercy. Then gUy4n it of$. P4eVen3N5G52aR dK4tU3 nigh5. kike yoh dI_ m/d3l/x\vs aparteid. you would be less right then them even. nobdl peace forev3r fH5/mks thankS wahatup tool? or wouls you call that repelent tissue too. that's the cost of war friends. ceaseless victorY. to the spoilz my end. that is take no prisoners war, my type. yes, vicuOtY at last. victory victo4Y vIvtorctI4YcctI4Y! try nOt to laugh, /t / victory that has ceasef sar sore thimbs and 2ar. war.\O OErgectly, it/lmost ended elegence.
that how perfectly dancing is done
not a sender
not 1
that is so rveryonr knos without telling i hear
you holy terror.
to not hit +1
sic em remorse
so it is done.
th3NTi5less would make it better
Iwould yeell you oh communal r/p prayer.
If they didn't't yhink they HSt3d each othrr I have3sr yhsnKs B.
Uhh. . Yale. .
Shut up you/left!
NOw, philibuster.
You were about5 to Adress a queen. LoveF4 HSY I would hear. So ns t to confuse nightmare.
Thsts everlasting right3oust ness I tell,
When ceasesless rivers swell I say
Now I would say
Tell your friends.
I would tell you the exchange b3teeen friend3nds is Mich mOre recent/pider th/n that.
So you can get in touch.
And tell your friends.
Hope th/Y by didmxt depend on \OMar3thing. _I_nxt UItc u/Aamir!
Hold on Omar.
Now that's tighteous, rigHt53Our\.. but waiy. Wait whO?
What\ up amir! Welcome to the party.
Its a Oretty fancy party..
So I would ask you, wish side of, which it I\. Side3 of the religious fence do yoju sleene on. That would be a one, on singular, yhat convinced the soft salem
And witchcraft is afooy.
Anf we applaud It.
For it NoknOws hOw you danceee.
And I would movs that I see chIew/was falls. Not the Aamir of whom I wish to guild.
Vittius witchcraft.
That is beauty. Ever done so lslightly in jest.
I told you uou were beautiful witch.
Now where is he whom I seek.
Have Douggt after twice.
The append.
And draft.
For you best thought was an afYer apparently.
D/mNemonic, 2itcHcraft Iy is
Hey baby, ill give if to you.
Don't know what could'very convinced you said.
Then damn.
WitcHcrsfT Iy Is.
Wiyhout damning nothing.
Why? Plunked her undet water why?
I would say that God created all.
And let it rest.
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